Source code for PopPUNK.plot

# vim: set fileencoding=<utf-8> :
# Copyright 2018-2023 John Lees and Nick Croucher

'''Plots of GMM results, k-mer fits, and microreact output'''

import sys
import os
import subprocess
import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools
# for other outputs
import pandas as pd
from pandas.errors import DataError
from collections import defaultdict
from sklearn import utils
try:  # sklearn >= 0.22
    from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
except ImportError:
    from sklearn.neighbors.kde import KernelDensity

from .trees import write_tree

from .utils import isolateNameToLabel
from .utils import decisionBoundary

[docs]def plot_scatter(X, out_prefix, title, kde = True): """Draws a 2D scatter plot (png) of the core and accessory distances Also draws contours of kernel density estimare Args: X (numpy.array) n x 2 array of core and accessory distances for n samples. out_prefix (str) Prefix for output plot file (.png will be appended) title (str) The title to display above the plot kde (bool) Whether to draw kernel density estimate contours (default = True) """ # Plot results - max 1M for speed max_plot_samples = 1000000 if X.shape[0] > max_plot_samples: X = utils.shuffle(X, random_state=random.randint(1,10000))[0:max_plot_samples,] # Kernel estimate uses scaled data 0-1 on each axis scale = np.amax(X, axis = 0) X /= scale plt.figure(figsize=(11, 8), dpi= 160, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') if kde: xx, yy, xy = get_grid(0, 1, 100) # KDE estimate kde = KernelDensity(bandwidth=0.03, metric='euclidean', kernel='epanechnikov', algorithm='ball_tree') z = np.exp(kde.score_samples(xy)) z = z.reshape(xx.shape).T levels = np.linspace(z.min(), z.max(), 10) # Rescale contours plt.contour(xx*scale[0], yy*scale[1], z, levels=levels[1:], cmap='plasma') scatter_alpha = 1 else: scatter_alpha = 0.1 # Plot on correct scale plt.scatter(X[:,0]*scale[0].flat, X[:,1]*scale[1].flat, s=1, alpha=scatter_alpha) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel('Core distance (' + r'$\pi$' + ')') plt.ylabel('Accessory distance (' + r'$a$' + ')') plt.savefig(os.path.join(out_prefix, os.path.basename(out_prefix) + '_distanceDistribution.png')) plt.close()
[docs]def plot_database_evaluations(prefix, genome_lengths, ambiguous_bases): """Plot histograms of sequence characteristics for database evaluation. Args: prefix (str) Prefix for output files genome_lengths (list) Lengths of genomes in database ambiguous_bases (list) Counts of ambiguous bases in genomes in database """ plot_evaluation_histogram(genome_lengths, n_bins = 100, prefix = prefix, suffix = 'genome_lengths', plt_title = 'Distribution of sequence lengths', xlab = 'Sequence length (nt)') plot_evaluation_histogram(ambiguous_bases, n_bins = 100, prefix = prefix, suffix = 'ambiguous_base_counts', plt_title = 'Distribution of ambiguous base counts', xlab = 'Number of ambiguous bases')
[docs]def plot_evaluation_histogram(input_data, n_bins = 100, prefix = 'hist', suffix = '', plt_title = 'histogram', xlab = 'x'): """Plot histograms of sequence characteristics for database evaluation. Args: input_data (list) Input data (list of numbers) n_bins (int) Number of bins to use for the histogram prefix (str) Prefix of database suffix (str) Suffix specifying plot type plt_title (str) Title for plot xlab (str) Title for the horizontal axis """ plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8), dpi=160, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') counts, bins = np.histogram(input_data, bins = n_bins) plt.stairs(counts, bins, fill = True) plt.title(plt_title) plt.xlabel(xlab) plt.ylabel('Frequency') plt.savefig(os.path.join(prefix, os.path.basename(prefix) + '_' + suffix + '.png')) plt.savefig(os.path.join(prefix,prefix + '.png')) plt.close()
[docs]def plot_fit(klist, raw_matching, raw_fit, corrected_matching, corrected_fit, out_prefix, title): """Draw a scatter plot (pdf) of k-mer sizes vs match probability, and the fit used to assign core and accessory distance K-mer sizes on x-axis, log(pr(match)) on y - expect a straight line fit with intercept representing accessory distance and slope core distance Args: klist (list) List of k-mer sizes raw_matching (list) Proportion of matching k-mers at each klist value raw_fit (numpy.array) Fit to klist and raw_matching from :func:`~PopPUNK.sketchlib.fitKmerCurve` corrected_matching (list) Corrected proportion of matching k-mers at each klist value corrected_fit (numpy.array) Fit to klist and corrected_matching from :func:`~PopPUNK.sketchlib.fitKmerCurve` out_prefix (str) Prefix for output plot file (.pdf will be appended) title (str) The title to display above the plot """ k_fit = np.linspace(0, klist[-1], num = 100) raw_matching_fit = (1 - raw_fit[1]) * np.power((1 - raw_fit[0]), k_fit) corrected_matching_fit = (1 - corrected_fit[1]) * np.power((1 - corrected_fit[0]), k_fit) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_yscale("log") ax.set_xlabel('k-mer length', fontsize = 9) ax.set_ylabel('Proportion of matches', fontsize = 9) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=9) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=9) plt.tight_layout() plt.plot(klist, raw_matching, 'o', label= 'Raw matching k-mer proportion') plt.plot(k_fit, raw_matching_fit, 'b-', label= 'Fit to raw matches') plt.plot(klist, corrected_matching, 'mx', label= 'Corrected matching k-mer proportion') plt.plot(k_fit, corrected_matching_fit, 'm--', label= 'Fit to corrected matches') plt.legend(loc='upper right', prop={'size': 8}) plt.title(title, fontsize = 10) plt.savefig(out_prefix + ".pdf", bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
[docs]def plot_results(X, Y, means, covariances, scale, title, out_prefix): """Draw a scatter plot (png) to show the BGMM model fit A scatter plot of core and accessory distances, coloured by component membership. Also shown are ellipses for each component (centre: means axes: covariances). This is based on the example in the sklearn documentation. Args: X (numpy.array) n x 2 array of core and accessory distances for n samples. Y (numpy.array) n x 1 array of cluster assignments for n samples. means (numpy.array) Component means from :class:`~PopPUNK.models.BGMMFit` covars (numpy.array) Component covariances from :class:`~PopPUNK.models.BGMMFit` scale (numpy.array) Scaling factor from :class:`~PopPUNK.models.BGMMFit` out_prefix (str) Prefix for output plot file (.png will be appended) title (str) The title to display above the plot """ color_iter = itertools.cycle(['navy', 'c', 'cornflowerblue', 'gold','darkorange']) fig=plt.figure(figsize=(11, 8), dpi= 160, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') splot = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) for i, (mean, covar, color) in enumerate(zip(means, covariances, color_iter)): scaled_covar = np.matmul(np.matmul(np.diag(scale), covar), np.diag(scale).T) v, w = np.linalg.eigh(scaled_covar) v = 2. * np.sqrt(2.) * np.sqrt(v) u = w[0] / np.linalg.norm(w[0]) # as the DP will not use every component it has access to # unless it needs it, we shouldn't plot the redundant # components. if not np.any(Y == i): continue plt.scatter([(X)[Y == i, 0]], [(X)[Y == i, 1]], .4, color=color) # Plot an ellipse to show the Gaussian component angle = np.arctan(u[1] / u[0]) angle = 180. * angle / np.pi # convert to degrees ell = mpl.patches.Ellipse(mean*scale, v[0], v[1], angle=180. + angle, color=color) ell.set_clip_box(splot.bbox) ell.set_alpha(0.5) splot.add_artist(ell) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel('Core distance (' + r'$\pi$' + ')') plt.ylabel('Accessory distance (' + r'$a$' + ')') plt.savefig(out_prefix + ".png") plt.close()
[docs]def plot_dbscan_results(X, y, n_clusters, out_prefix, use_gpu): """Draw a scatter plot (png) to show the DBSCAN model fit A scatter plot of core and accessory distances, coloured by component membership. Black is noise Args: X (numpy.array) n x 2 array of core and accessory distances for n samples. Y (numpy.array) n x 1 array of cluster assignments for n samples. n_clusters (int) Number of clusters used (excluding noise) out_prefix (str) Prefix for output file (.png will be appended) use_gpu (bool) Whether model was fitted with GPU-enabled code """ # Convert data if from GPU if use_gpu: # Convert to numpy for plotting import cupy as cp X = cp.asnumpy(X) # Black removed and is used for noise instead. unique_labels = set(y) colours = [ for each in np.linspace(0, 1, len(unique_labels))] # changed to work with two clusters fig=plt.figure(figsize=(11, 8), dpi= 160, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') for k in unique_labels: if k == -1: ptsize = 1 col = 'k' else: ptsize = 2 col = tuple(colours.pop()) class_member_mask = (y == k) xy = X[class_member_mask] plt.plot(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], '.', color=col, markersize=ptsize) # plot output plt_filename = out_prefix + ".png" plt.title('HDBSCAN – estimated number of spatial clusters: %d' % n_clusters) plt.xlabel('Core distance (' + r'$\pi$' + ')') plt.ylabel('Accessory distance (' + r'$a$' + ')') plt.savefig(out_prefix + ".png") plt.close()
[docs]def plot_refined_results(X, Y, x_boundary, y_boundary, core_boundary, accessory_boundary, mean0, mean1, min_move, max_move, scale, threshold, indiv_boundaries, unconstrained, title, out_prefix): """Draw a scatter plot (png) to show the refined model fit A scatter plot of core and accessory distances, coloured by component membership. The triangular decision boundary is also shown Args: X (numpy.array) n x 2 array of core and accessory distances for n samples. Y (numpy.array) n x 1 array of cluster assignments for n samples. x_boundary (float) Intercept of boundary with x-axis, from :class:`~PopPUNK.models.RefineFit` y_boundary (float) Intercept of boundary with y-axis, from :class:`~PopPUNK.models.RefineFit` core_boundary (float) Intercept of 1D (core) boundary with x-axis, from :class:`~PopPUNK.models.RefineFit` accessory_boundary (float) Intercept of 1D (core) boundary with y-axis, from :class:`~PopPUNK.models.RefineFit` mean0 (numpy.array) Centre of within-strain distribution mean1 (numpy.array) Centre of between-strain distribution min_move (float) Minimum s range max_move (float) Maximum s range scale (numpy.array) Scaling factor from :class:`~PopPUNK.models.RefineFit` threshold (bool) If fit was just from a simple thresholding indiv_boundaries (bool) Whether to draw lines for core and accessory refinement title (str) The title to display above the plot out_prefix (str) Prefix for output plot file (.png will be appended) """ from .refine import transformLine fig=plt.figure(figsize=(11, 8), dpi= 160, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') # Draw points plt.scatter([(X)[Y == -1, 0]], [(X)[Y == -1, 1]], .4, color='cornflowerblue') plt.scatter([(X)[Y == 1, 0]], [(X)[Y == 1, 1]], .4, color='c') # Draw fit lines if not threshold: plt.plot([x_boundary*scale[0], 0], [0, y_boundary*scale[1]], color='red', linewidth=2, linestyle='--', label='Combined decision boundary') if indiv_boundaries: plt.plot([core_boundary*scale[0], core_boundary*scale[0]], [0, np.amax(X[:,1])], color='darkgray', linewidth=1, linestyle='-.', label='Individual decision boundaries') plt.plot([0, np.amax(X[:,0])], [accessory_boundary*scale[1], accessory_boundary*scale[1]], color='darkgray', linewidth=1, linestyle='-.') # Draw boundary search range if mean0 is not None and mean1 is not None and min_move is not None and max_move is not None: if unconstrained: gradient = (mean1[1] - mean0[1]) / (mean1[0] - mean0[0]) opt_start = decisionBoundary(mean0, gradient) * scale opt_end = decisionBoundary(mean1, gradient) * scale plt.fill([opt_start[0], opt_end[0], 0, 0], [0, 0, opt_end[1], opt_start[1]], fill=True, facecolor='lightcoral', alpha = 0.2, label='Search range') else: search_length = max_move + ((mean1[0] - mean0[0])**2 + (mean1[1] - mean0[1])**2)**0.5 minimum_xy = transformLine(-min_move, mean0, mean1) * scale maximum_xy = transformLine(search_length, mean0, mean1) * scale plt.plot([minimum_xy[0], maximum_xy[0]], [minimum_xy[1], maximum_xy[1]], color='k', linewidth=1, linestyle=':', label='Search range') mean0 *= scale mean1 *= scale plt.plot(mean0[0], mean0[1], 'rx', label='Within-strain mean') plt.plot(mean1[0], mean1[1], 'r+', label='Between-strain mean') else: plt.plot([core_boundary*scale[0], core_boundary*scale[0]], [0, np.amax(X[:,1])], color='red', linewidth=2, linestyle='--', label='Threshold boundary') plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.title(title) plt.xlabel('Core distance (' + r'$\pi$' + ')') plt.ylabel('Accessory distance (' + r'$a$' + ')') plt.savefig(out_prefix + ".png") plt.close()
[docs]def plot_contours(model, assignments, title, out_prefix): """Draw contours of mixture model assignments Will draw the decision boundary for between/within in red Args: model (BGMMFit) Model we are plotting from assignments (numpy.array) n-vectors of cluster assignments for model title (str) The title to display above the plot out_prefix (str) Prefix for output plot file (.pdf will be appended) """ # avoid recursive import from .bgmm import log_likelihood from .bgmm import findWithinLabel from .bgmm import findBetweenLabel_bgmm xx, yy, xy = get_grid(0, 1, 100) # for likelihood boundary z = model.assign(xy, values=True, progress=False) z_diff = z[:,findWithinLabel(model.means, assignments, 0)] - z[:,findBetweenLabel_bgmm(model.means, assignments)] z = z_diff.reshape(xx.shape).T # For full likelihood surface z_ll, lpr = log_likelihood(xy, model.weights, model.means, model.covariances, np.array([1,1])) z_ll = z_ll.reshape(xx.shape).T plt.figure(figsize=(11, 8), dpi= 160, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.contour(xx, yy, z_ll, levels=np.linspace(z_ll.min(), z_ll.max(), 25)) plt.contour(xx, yy, z, levels=[0], colors='r', linewidths=3) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel('Scaled core distance') plt.ylabel('Scaled accessory distance') plt.savefig(out_prefix + ".pdf") plt.close()
[docs]def get_grid(minimum, maximum, resolution): """Get a square grid of points to evaluate a function across Used for :func:`~plot_scatter` and :func:`~plot_contours` Args: minimum (float) Minimum value for grid maximum (float) Maximum value for grid resolution (int) Number of points along each axis Returns: xx (numpy.array) x values across n x n grid yy (numpy.array) y values across n x n grid xy (numpy.array) n x 2 pairs of x, y values grid is over """ x = np.linspace(minimum, maximum, resolution) y = np.linspace(minimum, maximum, resolution) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) xy = np.vstack([yy.ravel(), xx.ravel()]).T return(xx, yy, xy)
[docs]def distHistogram(dists, rank, outPrefix): """Plot a histogram of distances (1D) Args: dists (np.array) Distance vector rank (int) Rank (used for name and title) outPrefix (int) Full path prefix for plot file """ plt.figure(figsize=(11, 8), dpi= 160, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.hist(dists, 50, facecolor='b', alpha=0.75) plt.title('Included nearest neighbour distances for rank ' + str(rank)) plt.xlabel('Distance') plt.ylabel('Density') plt.grid(True) plt.savefig(outPrefix + \ "_rank_" + str(rank) + "_histogram.png") plt.close()
[docs]def drawMST(mst, outPrefix, isolate_clustering, clustering_name, overwrite): """Plot a layout of the minimum spanning tree Args: mst (graph_tool.Graph) A minimum spanning tree outPrefix (str) Output prefix for save files isolate_clustering (dict) Dictionary of ID: cluster, used for colouring vertices clustering_name (str) Name of clustering scheme to be used for colouring overwrite (bool) Overwrite existing output files """ import graph_tool.all as gt graph1_file_name = outPrefix + "/" + os.path.basename(outPrefix) + "_mst_stress_plot.png" graph2_file_name = outPrefix + "/" + os.path.basename(outPrefix) + "_mst_cluster_plot.png" if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(graph1_file_name) or not os.path.isfile(graph2_file_name): sys.stderr.write("Drawing MST\n") pos = gt.sfdp_layout(mst) if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(graph1_file_name): deg = mst.degree_property_map("total") deg.a = 4 * (np.sqrt(deg.a) * 0.5 + 0.4) ebet = gt.betweenness(mst)[1] ebet.a /= ebet.a.max() / 50. eorder = ebet.copy() eorder.a *= -1 gt.graph_draw(mst, pos=pos, vertex_size=gt.prop_to_size(deg, mi=20, ma=50), vertex_fill_color=deg, vorder=deg, edge_color=ebet, eorder=eorder, edge_pen_width=ebet, output=graph1_file_name, output_size=(3000, 3000)) if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(graph2_file_name): cluster_fill = {} for cluster in set(isolate_clustering[clustering_name].values()): cluster_fill[cluster] = list(np.random.rand(3)) + [0.9] plot_color = mst.new_vertex_property('vector<double>') mst.vertex_properties['plot_color'] = plot_color for v in mst.vertices(): plot_color[v] = cluster_fill[isolate_clustering[clustering_name][[v]]] gt.graph_draw(mst, pos=pos, vertex_fill_color=mst.vertex_properties['plot_color'], output=graph2_file_name, output_size=(3000, 3000))
[docs]def outputsForCytoscape(G, G_mst, isolate_names, clustering, outPrefix, epiCsv, queryList = None, suffix = None, writeCsv = True): """Write outputs for cytoscape. A graphml of the network, and CSV with metadata Args: G (graph) The network to write G_mst (graph) The minimum spanning tree of G isolate_names (list) Ordered list of sequence names clustering (dict) Dictionary of cluster assignments (keys are nodeNames). outPrefix (str) Prefix for files to be written epiCsv (str) Optional CSV of epi data to paste in the output in addition to the clusters. queryList (list) Optional list of isolates that have been added as a query. (default = None) suffix (string) String to append to network file name. (default = None) writeCsv (bool) Whether to print CSV file to accompany network """ # Avoid circular import from .network import save_network import graph_tool.all as gt # edit names seqLabels = isolateNameToLabel(isolate_names) vid = G.new_vertex_property('string', vals = seqLabels) = vid # write graph file if suffix is None: suffix = '_cytoscape' else: suffix = suffix + '_cytoscape' save_network(G, prefix = outPrefix, suffix = suffix, use_graphml = True) # Save each component too (useful for very large graphs) component_assignments, component_hist = gt.label_components(G) for component_idx in range(len(component_hist)): remove_list = [] for vidx, v_component in enumerate(component_assignments.a): if v_component != component_idx: remove_list.append(vidx) G_copy = G.copy() G_copy.remove_vertex(remove_list) save_network(G_copy, prefix = outPrefix, suffix = "_component_" + str(component_idx + 1), use_graphml = True) del G_copy if G_mst != None: isolate_labels = isolateNameToLabel( for n,v in enumerate(G_mst.vertices()):[v] = isolate_labels[n] suffix = suffix + '_mst' save_network(G_mst, prefix = outPrefix, suffix = suffix, use_graphml = True) # Write CSV of metadata if writeCsv: writeClusterCsv(outPrefix + "/" + os.path.basename(outPrefix) + "_cytoscape.csv", isolate_names, seqLabels, clustering, 'cytoscape', epiCsv, queryList)
[docs]def writeClusterCsv(outfile, nodeNames, nodeLabels, clustering, output_format = 'microreact', epiCsv = None, queryNames = None, suffix = '_Cluster'): """Print CSV file of clustering and optionally epi data Writes CSV output of clusters which can be used as input to microreact and cytoscape. Uses pandas to deal with CSV reading and writing nicely. The epiCsv, if provided, should have the node labels in the first column. Args: outfile (str) File to write the CSV to. nodeNames (list) Names of sequences in clustering (includes path). nodeLabels (list) Names of sequences to write in CSV (usually has path removed). clustering (dict or dict of dicts) Dictionary of cluster assignments (keys are nodeNames). Pass a dict with depth two to include multiple possible clusterings. output_format (str) Software for which CSV should be formatted (microreact, phandango, grapetree and cytoscape are accepted) epiCsv (str) Optional CSV of epi data to paste in the output in addition to the clusters (default = None). queryNames (list) Optional list of isolates that have been added as a query. (default = None) """ # set order of column names colnames = [] if output_format == 'microreact': colnames = ['id'] for cluster_type in clustering: col_name = cluster_type + suffix + '__autocolour' colnames.append(col_name) if queryNames is not None: colnames.append('Status') colnames.append('Status__colour') elif output_format == 'phandango': colnames = ['id'] for cluster_type in clustering: col_name = cluster_type + suffix colnames.append(col_name) if queryNames is not None: colnames.append('Status') colnames.append('Status:colour') elif output_format == 'grapetree': colnames = ['ID'] for cluster_type in clustering: col_name = cluster_type + suffix colnames.append(col_name) if queryNames is not None: colnames.append('Status') elif output_format == 'cytoscape': colnames = ['id'] for cluster_type in clustering: col_name = cluster_type + suffix colnames.append(col_name) if queryNames is not None: colnames.append('Status') else: sys.stderr.write("Do not recognise format for CSV writing\n") exit(1) # process epidemiological data d = defaultdict(list) # process epidemiological data without duplicating names # used by PopPUNK if epiCsv is not None: columns_to_be_omitted = ['id', 'Id', 'ID', 'combined_Cluster__autocolour', 'core_Cluster__autocolour', 'accessory_Cluster__autocolour', 'overall_Lineage'] epiData = pd.read_csv(epiCsv, index_col = False, quotechar='"') epiData.index = isolateNameToLabel(epiData.iloc[:,0]) for e in epiData.columns.values: if e not in columns_to_be_omitted: colnames.append(str(e)) # get example clustering name for validation example_cluster_title = list(clustering.keys())[0] for name, label in zip(nodeNames, isolateNameToLabel(nodeLabels)): if name in clustering[example_cluster_title]: if output_format == 'microreact': d['id'].append(label) for cluster_type in clustering: col_name = cluster_type + suffix + "__autocolour" d[col_name].append(clustering[cluster_type][name]) if queryNames is not None: if name in queryNames: d['Status'].append("Query") d['Status__colour'].append("red") else: d['Status'].append("Reference") d['Status__colour'].append("black") elif output_format == 'phandango': d['id'].append(label) for cluster_type in clustering: col_name = cluster_type + suffix d[col_name].append(clustering[cluster_type][name]) if queryNames is not None: if name in queryNames: d['Status'].append("Query") d['Status:colour'].append("#ff0000") else: d['Status'].append("Reference") d['Status:colour'].append("#000000") elif output_format == 'grapetree': d['ID'].append(label) for cluster_type in clustering: col_name = cluster_type + suffix d[col_name].append(clustering[cluster_type][name]) if queryNames is not None: if name in queryNames: d['Status'].append("Query") else: d['Status'].append("Reference") elif output_format == 'cytoscape': d['id'].append(label) for cluster_type in clustering: col_name = cluster_type + suffix d[col_name].append(clustering[cluster_type][name]) if queryNames is not None: if name in queryNames: d['Status'].append("Query") else: d['Status'].append("Reference") if epiCsv is not None: if label in epiData.index: if label in epiData.index: for col, value in zip(epiData.columns.values, epiData.loc[[label]].iloc[0].values): if col not in columns_to_be_omitted: d[col].append(str(value)) else: for col in epiData.columns.values: if col not in columns_to_be_omitted: d[col].append('nan') else: sys.stderr.write("Cannot find " + name + " in clustering\n") sys.exit(1) # print CSV sys.stderr.write("Parsed data, now writing to CSV\n") try: pd.DataFrame(data=d).to_csv(outfile, columns = colnames, index = False) except (ValueError,DataError) as e: sys.stderr.write("Problem with epidemiological data CSV; returned code: " + str(e) + "\n") # check CSV prev_col_items = -1 prev_col_name = "unknown" for col in d: this_col_items = len(d[col]) if prev_col_items > -1 and prev_col_items != this_col_items: sys.stderr.write("Discrepant length between " + prev_col_name + \ " (length of " + str(prev_col_items) + ") and " + \ col + "(length of " + str(this_col_items) + ")\n") prev_col_items = this_col_items sys.exit(1)
[docs]def outputsForMicroreact(combined_list, clustering, nj_tree, mst_tree, accMat, perplexity, maxIter, outPrefix, epiCsv, queryList = None, overwrite = False, n_threads = 1, use_gpu = False, device_id = 0): """Generate files for microreact Output a neighbour joining tree (.nwk) from core distances, a plot of t-SNE clustering of accessory distances (.dot) and cluster assignment (.csv) Args: combined_list (list) Name of sequences being analysed. The part of the name before the first '.' will be shown in the output clustering (dict or dict of dicts) List of cluster assignments from :func:``. Further clusterings (e.g. 1D core only) can be included by passing these as a dict. nj_tree (str or None) String representation of a Newick-formatted NJ tree mst_tree (str or None) String representation of a Newick-formatted minimum-spanning tree accMat (numpy.array) n x n array of accessory distances for n samples. perplexity (int) Perplexity parameter passed to mandrake maxIter (int) Maximum iterations for mandrake outPrefix (str) Prefix for all generated output files, which will be placed in `outPrefix` subdirectory epiCsv (str) A CSV containing other information, to include with the CSV of clusters queryList (list) Optional list of isolates that have been added as a query for colouring in the CSV. (default = None) overwrite (bool) Overwrite existing output if present (default = False) n_threads (int) Number of CPU threads to use (default = 1) use_gpu (bool) Whether to use a GPU for t-SNE generation device_id (int) Device ID of GPU to be used (default = 0) Returns: outfiles (list) List of output files create """ # Avoid recursive import from .mandrake import generate_embedding # generate sequence labels seqLabels = isolateNameToLabel(combined_list) # check CSV before calculating other outputs outfiles = [outPrefix + "/" + os.path.basename(outPrefix) + "_microreact_clusters.csv"] writeClusterCsv(outPrefix + "/" + os.path.basename(outPrefix) + "_microreact_clusters.csv", combined_list, combined_list, clustering, 'microreact', epiCsv, queryList) # write the phylogeny .nwk; t-SNE network .dot; clusters + data .csv embedding_file = generate_embedding(seqLabels, accMat, perplexity, outPrefix, overwrite, kNN=100, maxIter=maxIter, n_threads=n_threads, use_gpu=use_gpu, device_id=device_id) outfiles.append(embedding_file) # write NJ tree if nj_tree is not None: write_tree(nj_tree, outPrefix, "_core_NJ.nwk", overwrite) outfiles.append(outPrefix + "/" + os.path.basename(outPrefix) + "_core_NJ.nwk") # write MST if mst_tree is not None: write_tree(mst_tree, outPrefix, "_MST.nwk", overwrite) outfiles.append(outPrefix + "/" + os.path.basename(outPrefix) + "_MST.nwk") return outfiles
[docs]def createMicroreact(prefix, microreact_files, api_key=None): """Creates a .microreact file, and instance via the API Args: prefix (str) Prefix for output file microreact_files (str) List of Microreact files [clusters, dot, tree, mst_tree] api_key (str) API key for your account """ import pkg_resources import pickle import requests import json from datetime import datetime microreact_api_new_url = "" description_string = "PopPUNK run on " +"%Y-%b-%d %H:%M") # Load example JSON to be modified with pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, 'data/microreact_example.pkl') as example_pickle: json_pickle = pickle.load(example_pickle) json_pickle["meta"]["name"] = description_string # Read data in with open(microreact_files[0]) as cluster_file: csv_string = json_pickle["files"]["data-file-1"]["blob"] = csv_string with open(microreact_files[1], 'r') as dot_file: dot_string = json_pickle["files"]["network-file-1"] = {"id": "network-file-1", "name": "", "format": "text/vnd.graphviz", "blob": dot_string} json_pickle["networks"]["network-1"] = {"title": "Network", "file": "network-file-1", "nodeField": "id"} if len(microreact_files) > 2: with open(microreact_files[2], 'r') as tree_file: tree_string = json_pickle["files"]["tree-file-1"]["blob"] = tree_string else: del json_pickle["files"]["tree-file-1"] with open(prefix + "/" + os.path.basename(prefix) + ".microreact", 'w') as json_file: json.dump(json_pickle, json_file) url = None if api_key != None: headers = {"Content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "Access-Token": api_key} r =, data=json.dumps(json_pickle), headers=headers) if not r.ok: if r.status_code == 400: sys.stderr.write("Microreact API call failed with response " + r.text + "\n") else: sys.stderr.write("Microreact API call failed with unknown response code " + str(r.status_code) + "\n") else: url = r.json()['url'] return url
[docs]def outputsForPhandango(combined_list, clustering, nj_tree, mst_tree, outPrefix, epiCsv, queryList = None, overwrite = False): """Generate files for Phandango Write a neighbour joining tree (.tree) from core distances and cluster assignment (.csv) Args: combined_list (list) Name of sequences being analysed. The part of the name before the first '.' will be shown in the output clustering (dict or dict of dicts) List of cluster assignments from :func:``. Further clusterings (e.g. 1D core only) can be included by passing these as a dict. nj_tree (str or None) String representation of a Newick-formatted NJ tree mst_tree (str or None) String representation of a Newick-formatted minimum-spanning tree outPrefix (str) Prefix for all generated output files, which will be placed in `outPrefix` subdirectory epiCsv (str) A CSV containing other information, to include with the CSV of clusters queryList (list) Optional list of isolates that have been added as a query for colouring in the CSV. (default = None) overwrite (bool) Overwrite existing output if present (default = False) threads (int) Number of threads to use with rapidnj """ # print clustering file writeClusterCsv(outPrefix + "/" + os.path.basename(outPrefix) + "_phandango_clusters.csv", combined_list, combined_list, clustering, 'phandango', epiCsv, queryList) # write NJ tree if nj_tree is not None: write_tree(nj_tree, outPrefix, "_core_NJ.tree", overwrite) else: sys.stderr.write("Need an NJ tree for a Phandango output")
[docs]def outputsForGrapetree(combined_list, clustering, nj_tree, mst_tree, outPrefix, epiCsv, queryList = None, overwrite = False): """Generate files for Grapetree Write a neighbour joining tree (.nwk) from core distances and cluster assignment (.csv) Args: combined_list (list) Name of sequences being analysed. The part of the name before the first '.' will be shown in the output clustering (dict or dict of dicts) List of cluster assignments from :func:``. Further clusterings (e.g. 1D core only) can be included by passing these as a dict. nj_tree (str or None) String representation of a Newick-formatted NJ tree mst_tree (str or None) String representation of a Newick-formatted minimum-spanning tree outPrefix (str) Prefix for all generated output files, which will be placed in `outPrefix` subdirectory. epiCsv (str) A CSV containing other information, to include with the CSV of clusters queryList (list) Optional list of isolates that have been added as a query for colouring in the CSV. (default = None) overwrite (bool) Overwrite existing output if present (default = False). """ # print clustering file writeClusterCsv(outPrefix + "/" + os.path.basename(outPrefix) + "_grapetree_clusters.csv", combined_list, combined_list, clustering, 'grapetree', epiCsv, queryList) # calculate phylogeny, or copy existing microreact file # write NJ tree if nj_tree is not None: write_tree(nj_tree, outPrefix, "_core_NJ.nwk", overwrite) # write MST if mst_tree is not None: write_tree(mst_tree, outPrefix, "_core_MST.nwk", overwrite)