Using GPUs

PopPUNK can use GPU acceleration of sketching (only when using sequence reads), distance calculation, network construction and some aspects of visualisation. Installing and configuring the required packages necessitates some extra steps, outlined below.

Installing GPU packages

To use GPU acceleration, PopPUNK uses cupy, numba and the cudatoolkit packages from RAPIDS. Both cupy and numba can be installed as standard packages using conda. The cudatoolkit packages need to be matched to your CUDA version. The command nvidia-smi can be used to find the supported CUDA version. Installation of the cudatoolkit with conda (or the faster conda alternative, mamba) should be guided by the RAPIDS guide. This information will enable the installation of PopPUNK into a clean conda environment with a command such as (modify the CUDA_VERSION variable as appropriate):

export CUDA_VERSION=11.3
conda create -n poppunk_gpu -c rapidsai -c nvidia -c conda-forge \
-c bioconda -c defaults rapids>=22.12 python=3.8 cudatoolkit=$CUDA_VERSION \
pp-sketchlib>=2.0.1 poppunk>=2.6.0 networkx cupy numba
conda activate poppunk_gpu

The version of pp-sketchlib on conda only supports some GPUs. A more general approach is to install from source. This requires the installation of extra packages needed for building packages from source. Additionally, it is sometimes necessary to install versions of the CUDA compiler (cuda-nvcc) and runtime API (cuda-cudart) that match the CUDA version. Although conda can be used, creating such a complex environment can be slow, and therefore we recommend mamba as a faster alternative:

export CUDA_VERSION=11.3
mamba create -n poppunk_gpu -c rapidsai -c nvidia -c conda-forge \
-c bioconda -c defaults rapids=22.12 python>=3.8 cudatoolkit=$CUDA_VERSION \
cuda-nvcc=$CUDA_VERSION cuda-cudart=$CUDA_VERSION networkx cupy numba cmake \
pybind11 highfive Eigen openblas libgomp libgfortran-ng poppunk>=2.6.0


On OSX replace libgomp libgfortan-ng with llvm-openmp gfortran_impl_osx-64, and remove libgomp from environment.yml.

Clone the sketchlib repository:

git clone
cd pp-sketchlib

To correctly build pp-sketchlib, the GPU architecture needs to be correctly specified. The nvidia-smi command can be used to display the GPUs available to you. This can be used to identify the corresponding compute version needed for compilation (typically of the form sm_*) using this guide or the more limited table below. Edit the CMakeLists.txt if necessary to change the compute version to that used by your GPU. See the CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_VERSION section.

GPU compute versions


Compute version

20xx series


30xx series


40xx series










The conda-installed version of pp-sketchlib can then be removed with the command:

conda remove --force pp-sketchlib

Then run:

python install

You should see a message that the CUDA compiler is found, in which case the compilation and installation of sketchlib will include GPU components:

-- Looking for a CUDA compiler
-- Looking for a CUDA compiler - /usr/local/cuda-11.1/bin/nvcc
-- CUDA found, compiling both GPU and CPU code
-- The CUDA compiler identification is NVIDIA 11.1.105
-- Detecting CUDA compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CUDA compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CUDA compiler: /usr/local/cuda-11.1/bin/nvcc - skipped
-- Detecting CUDA compile features
-- Detecting CUDA compile features - done

You can confirm that your custom installation of sketchlib is being used by checking the location of sketchlib library reported by popppunk points to your python site-packages, rather than the conda version.

Selecting a GPU

A single GPU will be selected on systems where multiple devices are available. For sketching and distance calculations, this can be specified by the --deviceid flag. Alternatively, all GPU-enabled functions will used device 0 by default. Any GPU can be set to device 0 using the system CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES variable, which can be set before running PopPUNK; e.g. to use GPU device 1:


Using a GPU

By default, PopPUNK will use not use GPUs. To use them, you will need to add the flag --gpu-sketch (when constructing or querying a database using reads), --gpu-dist (when constructing or querying a database from assemblies or reads), --gpu-model (when fitting a DBSCAN model on the GPU), or --gpu-graph (when querying or visualising a database, or fitting a model).

Note that fitting a model with a GPU is fast, even with a large subsample of points, but may be limited by the memory of the GPU device. Therefore it is recommended that either the model is only fitted to a subsample of points, resulting in an incomplete model fit that must then be refined before use (option --for-refine), or that the transfer of data between CPU and GPU is optimised using the --assign-subsample variable. Larger values of --assign-subsample will result in fewer batches being transferred to the GPU memory, speeding up the process, but also increasing the risks that your device will run out of memory, particularly if a large, complex model object is already being stored on the device.