Source code for PopPUNK.assign

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=<utf-8> :
# Copyright 2018-2023 John Lees and Nick Croucher

# universal
from operator import itemgetter
import os
import sys
import warnings
# additional
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
import h5py

# required from v2.1.1 onwards (no mash support)
import pp_sketchlib

# import poppunk package
from .__init__ import __version__
from .__main__ import default_prop_n, default_length_sigma, default_max_a_dist, \
    default_max_pi_dist, default_max_zero, default_max_merge

#*                            *#
#* Command line parsing       *#
#*                            *#
def get_options():

    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Assign isolates to strains (by POPulation Partitioning Using Nucleotide Kmers)',

    # input options
    iGroup = parser.add_argument_group('Input files')
    iGroup.add_argument('--db', required=True, type = str, help='Location of built reference database')
    iGroup.add_argument('--query', required=True, help='File listing query input assemblies')
    iGroup.add_argument('--distances', help='Prefix of input pickle of pre-calculated distances (if not in --db)')
    iGroup.add_argument('--external-clustering', help='File with cluster definitions or other labels '
                                                      'generated with any other method.', default=None)

    # output options
    oGroup = parser.add_argument_group('Output options')
    oGroup.add_argument('--output', required=True, help='Prefix for output files (required)')
    oGroup.add_argument('--plot-fit', help='Create this many plots of some fits relating k-mer to core/accessory distances '
                                            '[default = 0]', default=0, type=int)
    oGroup.add_argument('--write-references', help='Write reference database isolates\' cluster assignments out too',
                                              default=False, action='store_true')
    oGroup.add_argument('--update-db', help='Update reference database with query sequences', default=False, action='store_true')
    oGroup.add_argument('--overwrite', help='Overwrite any existing database files', default=False, action='store_true')
    oGroup.add_argument('--graph-weights', help='Save within-strain Euclidean distances into the graph', default=False, action='store_true')

    # comparison metrics
    kmerGroup = parser.add_argument_group('Kmer comparison options')
    kmerGroup.add_argument('--min-kmer-count', default=0, type=int, help='Minimum k-mer count when using reads as input [default = 0]')
    kmerGroup.add_argument('--exact-count', default=False, action='store_true',
                           help='Use the exact k-mer counter with reads '
                                '[default = use countmin counter]')
    kmerGroup.add_argument('--strand-preserved', default=False, action='store_true',
                           help='Treat input as being on the same strand, and ignore reverse complement '
                                'k-mers [default = use canonical k-mers]')

    # qc options
    qcGroup = parser.add_argument_group('Quality control options for distances')
    qcGroup.add_argument('--run-qc', help="Run the QC steps", default=False, action="store_true")
    qcGroup.add_argument('--retain-failures', help='Retain sketches of genomes that do not pass QC filters in '
                                                'separate database [default = False]', default=False, action='store_true')
    qcGroup.add_argument('--max-a-dist', help=f"Maximum accessory distance to permit [default = {default_max_a_dist}]",
                                                default = default_max_a_dist, type = float)
    qcGroup.add_argument('--max-pi-dist', help=f"Maximum core distance to permit [default = {default_max_pi_dist}]",
                                                default = default_max_pi_dist, type = float)
    qcGroup.add_argument('--max-zero-dist', help=f"Maximum proportion of zero distances to permit [default = {default_max_zero}]",
                                                default = default_max_zero, type = float)
    qcGroup.add_argument('--max-merge', help=f"Maximum number of cluster merges a sample can cause [default = {default_max_merge}]",
                                                default = default_max_merge, type = int)
    qcGroup.add_argument('--betweenness', default=False, action='store_true',
                               help='Report the betweenness of all the query nodes [default = False]')
    qcGroup.add_argument('--type-isolate', help='Isolate from which distances can be calculated for pruning [default = None]',
                                                default = None, type = str)
    qcGroup.add_argument('--length-sigma', help='Number of standard deviations of length distribution beyond '
                                                'which sequences will be excluded [default = 5]', default = None, type = int)
    qcGroup.add_argument('--length-range', help='Allowed length range, outside of which sequences will be excluded '
                                                '[two values needed - lower and upper bounds]', default=[None,None],
                                                type = int, nargs = 2)
    qcGroup.add_argument('--prop-n', help='Threshold ambiguous base proportion above which sequences will be excluded'
                                                ' [default = None]', default = None,
                                                type = float)
    qcGroup.add_argument('--upper-n', help='Threshold ambiguous base count above which sequences will be excluded',
                                                default=None, type = int)

    # sequence querying
    queryingGroup = parser.add_argument_group('Database querying options')
    queryingGroup.add_argument('--serial', default=False, action='store_true',
                               help='Do assignment one-by-one, not in batches (see docs) [default = False]')
    queryingGroup.add_argument('--stable', default=None, choices=['core', 'accessory', False],
                               help='\'Stable nomenclature\': do assignment one-by-one, to nearest neighbours (see docs) [default = False]')
    queryingGroup.add_argument('--model-dir', help='Directory containing model to use for assigning queries '
                                                   'to clusters [default = reference database directory]', type = str)
    queryingGroup.add_argument('--previous-clustering', help='Directory containing previous cluster definitions '
                                                             'and network [default = use that in the directory '
                                                             'containing the model]', type = str)
    queryingGroup.add_argument('--core', help='(with a \'refine\' model) '
                                                   'Use a core-distance only model for assigning queries '
                                                   '[default = False]', default=False, action='store_true')
    queryingGroup.add_argument('--accessory', help='(with a \'refine\' or \'lineage\' model) '
                                                        'Use an accessory-distance only model for assigning queries '
                                                        '[default = False]', default=False, action='store_true')

    # processing
    other = parser.add_argument_group('Other options')
    other.add_argument('--threads', default=1, type=int, help='Number of threads to use [default = 1]')
    other.add_argument('--gpu-sketch', default=False, action='store_true', help='Use a GPU when calculating sketches (read data only) [default = False]')
    other.add_argument('--gpu-dist', default=False, action='store_true', help='Use a GPU when calculating distances [default = False]')
    other.add_argument('--gpu-graph', default=False, action='store_true', help='Use a GPU when constructing networks [default = False]')
    other.add_argument('--deviceid', default=0, type=int, help='CUDA device ID, if using GPU [default = 0]')
    other.add_argument('--version', action='version',
                       version='%(prog)s '+__version__)
                       help='Give a citation, and possible methods paragraph'
                            ' based on the command line')

    # combine
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # ensure directories do not have trailing forward slash
    for arg in [args.db, args.model_dir, args.output, args.previous_clustering]:
        if arg is not None:
            arg = arg.rstrip('\\')

    return args

[docs]def main(): """Main function. Parses cmd line args and runs in the specified mode. """ #******************************# #* *# #* Check command options *# #* *# #******************************# args = get_options() # May just want to print the citation if args.citation: from .citation import print_citation print_citation(args, assign=True) sys.exit(0) from .sketchlib import checkSketchlibLibrary from .utils import setGtThreads from .utils import setupDBFuncs # Dict of QC options for passing to database construction and querying functions if args.run_qc: # define defaults if one QC parameter given # length_sigma if args.length_sigma is not None: length_sigma = args.length_sigma elif None in args.length_range: length_sigma = default_length_sigma else: length_sigma = None # prop_n if args.prop_n is not None: prop_n = args.prop_n elif args.upper_n is None: prop_n = default_prop_n else: prop_n = None qc_dict = { 'run_qc': True, 'retain_failures': args.retain_failures, 'length_sigma': length_sigma, 'length_range': args.length_range, 'prop_n': prop_n, 'upper_n': args.upper_n, 'max_pi_dist': args.max_pi_dist, 'max_a_dist': args.max_a_dist, 'prop_zero': args.max_zero_dist, 'max_merge': args.max_merge, 'betweenness': args.betweenness, 'type_isolate': args.type_isolate } else: qc_dict = {'run_qc': False, 'type_isolate': None } # Dict of DB access functions for assign_query (which is out of scope) dbFuncs = setupDBFuncs(args) sys.stderr.write("PopPUNK: assign\n") sys.stderr.write("\t(with backend: " + dbFuncs['backend'] + " v" + dbFuncs['backend_version'] + "\n") sys.stderr.write('\t sketchlib: ' + checkSketchlibLibrary() + ')\n') sys.stderr.write("Mode: Assigning clusters of query sequences\n\n") # Check on parallelisation of graph-tools setGtThreads(args.threads) if args.distances is None: distances = args.db + "/" + os.path.basename(args.db) + ".dists" else: distances = args.distances #*******************************# #* *# #* query assignment *# #* *# #*******************************# assign_query(dbFuncs, args.db, args.query, args.output, qc_dict, args.update_db, args.write_references, distances, args.serial, args.stable, args.threads, args.overwrite, args.plot_fit, args.graph_weights, args.model_dir, args.strand_preserved, args.previous_clustering, args.external_clustering, args.core, args.accessory, args.gpu_sketch, args.gpu_dist, args.gpu_graph, args.deviceid, save_partial_query_graph=False) sys.stderr.write("\nDone\n")
#*******************************# #* *# #* query assignment *# #* *# #*******************************#
[docs]def assign_query(dbFuncs, ref_db, q_files, output, qc_dict, update_db, write_references, distances, serial, stable, threads, overwrite, plot_fit, graph_weights, model_dir, strand_preserved, previous_clustering, external_clustering, core, accessory, gpu_sketch, gpu_dist, gpu_graph, deviceid, save_partial_query_graph): """Code for assign query mode for CLI""" createDatabaseDir = dbFuncs['createDatabaseDir'] constructDatabase = dbFuncs['constructDatabase'] readDBParams = dbFuncs['readDBParams'] if ref_db == output and overwrite == False: sys.stderr.write("--output and --db must be different to " "prevent overwrite.\n") sys.exit(1) # Find distances to reference db kmers, sketch_sizes, codon_phased = readDBParams(ref_db) # construct database createDatabaseDir(output, kmers) qNames = constructDatabase(q_files, kmers, sketch_sizes, output, threads, overwrite, codon_phased = codon_phased, calc_random = False, use_gpu = gpu_sketch, deviceid = deviceid) isolateClustering = assign_query_hdf5(dbFuncs, ref_db, qNames, output, qc_dict, update_db, write_references, distances, serial, stable, threads, overwrite, plot_fit, graph_weights, model_dir, strand_preserved, previous_clustering, external_clustering, core, accessory, gpu_dist, gpu_graph, save_partial_query_graph) return(isolateClustering)
[docs]def assign_query_hdf5(dbFuncs, ref_db, qNames, output, qc_dict, update_db, write_references, distances, serial, stable, threads, overwrite, plot_fit, graph_weights, model_dir, strand_preserved, previous_clustering, external_clustering, core, accessory, gpu_dist, gpu_graph, save_partial_query_graph): """Code for assign query mode taking hdf5 as input. Written as a separate function so it can be called by web APIs""" # Modules imported here as graph tool is very slow to load (it pulls in all of GTK?) from tqdm import tqdm from .models import loadClusterFit from .sketchlib import removeFromDB from .network import fetchNetwork from .network import construct_network_from_edge_list from .network import extractReferences from .network import addQueryToNetwork from .network import printClusters from .network import save_network from .network import get_vertex_list from .network import printExternalClusters from .network import vertex_betweenness from .qc import sketchlibAssemblyQC from .plot import writeClusterCsv from .qc import qcDistMat, qcQueryAssignments, prune_distance_matrix, \ prune_query_distance_matrix, write_qc_failure_report from .sketchlib import addRandom from .utils import storePickle from .utils import readPickle from .utils import update_distance_matrices from .utils import createOverallLineage failed_assembly_qc = {} failed_assembly_samples = frozenset() if qc_dict["run_qc"]: pass_assembly_qc, failed_assembly_qc = \ sketchlibAssemblyQC(output, qNames, qc_dict) failed_assembly_samples = frozenset(failed_assembly_qc.keys()) if len(failed_assembly_qc) > 0: sys.stderr.write(f"{len(failed_assembly_qc)} samples failed:\n" f"{','.join(failed_assembly_samples)}\n") qNames = [x for x in qNames if x in pass_assembly_qc] if len(qNames) == 0: write_qc_failure_report(failed_assembly_samples, [failed_assembly_qc], output) sys.exit(1) joinDBs = dbFuncs['joinDBs'] queryDatabase = dbFuncs['queryDatabase'] readDBParams = dbFuncs['readDBParams'] getSeqsInDb = dbFuncs['getSeqsInDb'] if ref_db == output and overwrite == False: sys.stderr.write("--output and --db must be different to " "prevent overwrite.\n") sys.exit(1) if (update_db and not distances): sys.stderr.write("--update-db requires --distances to be provided\n") sys.exit(1) if stable is not None: serial = True if serial and update_db: raise RuntimeError("--update-db cannot be used with --serial or --stable") # Load the previous model model_prefix = ref_db if model_dir is not None: model_prefix = model_dir model_file = model_prefix + "/" + os.path.basename(model_prefix) + "_fit" model = loadClusterFit(model_file + '.pkl', model_file + '.npz') if model.type == "lineage" and serial: raise RuntimeError("lineage models cannot be used with --serial or --stable") model.set_threads(threads) # Only proceed with a fully-fitted model if not model.fitted or (hasattr(model,'assign_points') and model.assign_points == False): sys.stderr.write('Cannot assign points with an incompletely-fitted model\nPlease refine this initial fit with "--fit-model refine"\n') sys.exit(1) # Set directories of previous fit if previous_clustering is not None: prev_clustering = previous_clustering else: prev_clustering = model_prefix # Find distances to reference db kmers = readDBParams(ref_db)[0] # Iterate through different types of model fit with a refined model when specified # Core and accessory assignments use the same model and same overall set of distances # but have different networks, references, reference distances and assignments fit_type_list = ['default'] if model.type == 'refine' and model.indiv_fitted: if core: fit_type_list.append('core_refined') if accessory: fit_type_list.append('accessory_refined') for fit_type in fit_type_list: # Define file name extension file_extension_string = '' if fit_type != 'default': file_extension_string = '_' + fit_type # Find distances vs ref seqs rNames = [] ref_file_name = os.path.join(model_prefix, os.path.basename(model_prefix) + file_extension_string + ".refs") use_ref_graph = \ os.path.isfile(ref_file_name) and not update_db and model.type != 'lineage' if use_ref_graph: with open(ref_file_name) as refFile: for reference in refFile: rNames.append(reference.rstrip()) else: if os.path.isfile(distances + ".pkl"): rNames = readPickle(distances, enforce_self = True, distances=False)[0] elif update_db: sys.stderr.write("Distance order .pkl missing, cannot use --update-db\n") sys.exit(1) else: rNames = getSeqsInDb(os.path.join(ref_db, os.path.basename(ref_db) + ".h5")) # Deal with name clash same_names = set(rNames).intersection(qNames) if same_names: warnings.warn("Names of queries match names in reference database\n", stacklevel=2) if not write_references: sys.stderr.write("Not running -- change names or add --write-references to override this behaviour\n") sys.exit(1) else: query_db = h5py.File(output + "/" + os.path.basename(output) + ".h5", 'r+') print(output + "/" + os.path.basename(output)) sketch_grp = query_db['sketches'] for idx, query in enumerate(qNames): if query in same_names: new_name = query + "_query" qNames[idx] = new_name sketch_grp.move(query, new_name) query_db.close() if (fit_type == 'default' or (fit_type != 'default' and use_ref_graph)): # run query qrDistMat = queryDatabase(rNames = rNames, qNames = qNames, dbPrefix = ref_db, queryPrefix = output, klist = kmers, self = False, number_plot_fits = plot_fit, threads = threads, use_gpu = gpu_dist) # QC distance matrix if qc_dict['run_qc']: sys.stderr.write("Running QC on distance matrix\n") seq_names_passing, failed_distmatrix_qc = qcDistMat(qrDistMat, rNames, qNames, ref_db, qc_dict) failed_distmatrix_samples = frozenset(qNames) - frozenset(seq_names_passing) if len(failed_distmatrix_samples) > 0: sys.stderr.write(f"{len(failed_distmatrix_samples)} samples failed:\n" f"{','.join(failed_distmatrix_samples)}\n") write_qc_failure_report(failed_distmatrix_samples | failed_assembly_samples, [failed_distmatrix_qc, failed_assembly_qc], output) if len(failed_distmatrix_samples) == len(qNames): sys.exit(1) else: qNames, qrDistMat = \ prune_query_distance_matrix(rNames, qNames, failed_distmatrix_samples, qrDistMat)[0:2] if model.type == 'lineage': # Assign lineages by calculating query-query information addRandom(output, qNames, kmers, strand_preserved, overwrite, threads) qqDistMat = queryDatabase(rNames = qNames, qNames = qNames, dbPrefix = output, queryPrefix = output, klist = kmers, self = True, number_plot_fits = 0, threads = threads, use_gpu = gpu_dist) model.extend(qqDistMat, qrDistMat) genomeNetwork = {} isolateClustering = defaultdict(dict) for rank in model.ranks: assignment = model.assign(rank) # Overwrite the network loaded above if graph_weights: weights = model.edge_weights(rank) else: weights = None genomeNetwork[rank] = construct_network_from_edge_list(rNames + qNames, rNames + qNames, edge_list = assignment, weights = weights, use_gpu = gpu_graph, summarise = False) isolateClustering[rank] = \ printClusters(genomeNetwork[rank], rNames + qNames, printCSV = False, use_gpu = gpu_graph) overall_lineage = createOverallLineage(model.ranks, isolateClustering) writeClusterCsv( output + "/" + os.path.basename(output) + '_lineages.csv', rNames + qNames, rNames + qNames, overall_lineage, output_format = 'phandango', epiCsv = None, queryNames = qNames, suffix = '_Lineage') else: genomeNetwork, old_cluster_file = \ fetchNetwork(prev_clustering, model, rNames, ref_graph = use_ref_graph, core_only = (fit_type == 'core_refined'), accessory_only = (fit_type == 'accessory_refined'), use_gpu = gpu_graph) sys.stderr.write(f"Loading previous cluster assignments from {old_cluster_file}\n") n_vertices = len(get_vertex_list(genomeNetwork, use_gpu = gpu_graph)) if n_vertices != len(rNames): sys.stderr.write(f"ERROR: There are {n_vertices} vertices in the network but {len(rNames)} reference names supplied; " + \ "please check the '--model-dir' variable is pointing to the correct directory\n") sys.exit(1) # Assign these distances as within or between strain if fit_type == 'core_refined' or (model.type == 'refine' and model.threshold): queryAssignments = model.assign(qrDistMat, slope = 0) dist_type = 'core' elif fit_type == 'accessory_refined': queryAssignments = model.assign(qrDistMat, slope = 1) dist_type = 'accessory' else: queryAssignments = model.assign(qrDistMat) dist_type = 'euclidean' # QC assignments to check for multi-links if qc_dict['run_qc'] and qc_dict['max_merge'] > 1: sys.stderr.write("Running QC on model assignments\n") seq_names_passing = \ frozenset(qcQueryAssignments(rNames, qNames, queryAssignments, qc_dict['max_merge'], old_cluster_file)[0]) failed_samples = frozenset(qNames) - seq_names_passing if len(failed_samples) > 0: sys.stderr.write(f"{len(failed_samples)} samples failed:\n" f"{','.join(failed_samples)}\n") if len(failed_samples) == len(qNames): sys.exit(1) else: qNames, qrDistMat, queryAssignments = \ prune_query_distance_matrix(rNames, qNames, failed_samples, qrDistMat, queryAssignments) # Assign clustering by adding to network if graph_weights: weights = qrDistMat else: weights = None output_fn = os.path.join(output, os.path.basename(output) + file_extension_string) if not serial: genomeNetwork, qqDistMat = \ addQueryToNetwork(dbFuncs, rNames, qNames, genomeNetwork, queryAssignments, model, output, kmers = kmers, distance_type = dist_type, queryQuery = (update_db and (fit_type == 'default' or (fit_type != 'default' and use_ref_graph) ) ), strand_preserved = strand_preserved, weights = weights, threads = threads, use_gpu = gpu_graph) if qc_dict['run_qc'] and qc_dict['betweenness']: betweenness = vertex_betweenness(genomeNetwork)[len(rNames):len(rNames) + len(qNames)] query_betweenness = {query: b for query, b in zip(qNames, betweenness)} print("query\tbetweenness") for query, q_betweenness in sorted(query_betweenness.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True): print(f"{query}\t{q_betweenness}") isolateClustering = \ {'combined': printClusters(genomeNetwork, rNames + qNames, output_fn, old_cluster_file, external_clustering, write_references or update_db, use_gpu = gpu_graph)} else: if stable is not None: # Some of this could be moved out higher up, e.g. we don't really need # network load etc. But perhaps not such a bad thing to check the # model being assigned to is valid sys.stderr.write("Assigning stably\n") # Load reference cluster assignments from .utils import readIsolateTypeFromCsv refClustering = readIsolateTypeFromCsv(old_cluster_file, mode = 'clusters', return_dict = True)['Cluster'] isolateClustering = {} # Find neighbours import poppunk_refine if stable == "core": dist_col = 0 else: dist_col = 1 query_idxs, ref_idxs, _distance = \ poppunk_refine.get_kNN_distances( distMat=qrDistMat[:, dist_col].reshape(len(qNames), len(rNames)), kNN=1, dist_col=dist_col, num_threads=threads ) # Assign queries same cluster as their NN, if the distance was # within the same cluster for (query, ref) in zip(query_idxs, ref_idxs): if queryAssignments[query * len(rNames) + ref] == -1: isolateClustering[qNames[query]] = refClustering[rNames[ref]] else: isolateClustering[qNames[query]] = "NA" else: sys.stderr.write("Assigning serially\n") G_copy = genomeNetwork.copy() isolateClustering = {} for idx, sample in tqdm(enumerate(qNames), total=len(qNames)): genomeNetwork = \ addQueryToNetwork(dbFuncs, rNames, [sample], genomeNetwork, queryAssignments[(idx * len(rNames)):((idx + 1) * len(rNames))], model, output)[0] isolate_cluster = printClusters(genomeNetwork, rNames + [sample], output_fn, old_cluster_file, external_clustering, printRef=False, printCSV=False, write_unwords=False, use_gpu = gpu_graph) cluster = int(isolate_cluster[sample]) if cluster > len(rNames): cluster = "novel" isolateClustering[sample] = cluster # Reset for next sample genomeNetwork = G_copy # Write out the results cluster_f = open(f"{output}/{os.path.basename(output)}_clusters.csv", 'w') cluster_f.write("Taxon,Cluster\n") for sample, cluster in isolateClustering.items(): cluster_f.write(",".join((sample, str(cluster))) + "\n") cluster_f.close() if external_clustering is not None: printExternalClusters(isolateClustering, external_clustering, output, rNames, printRef=False) # Update DB as requested dists_out = output + "/" + os.path.basename(output) + ".dists" if update_db: sys.stderr.write("Updating reference database to " + output + "\n") # Update the network + ref list (everything) - no need to duplicate for core/accessory if fit_type == 'default': joinDBs(ref_db, output, output, {"threads": threads, "strand_preserved": strand_preserved}) if model.type == 'lineage': save_network(genomeNetwork[min(model.ranks)], prefix = output, suffix = '_graph', use_gpu = gpu_graph) # Save sparse distance matrices and updated model model.outPrefix = os.path.basename(output) else: graph_suffix = file_extension_string + '_graph' save_network(genomeNetwork, prefix = output, suffix = graph_suffix, use_gpu = gpu_graph) # Copy model if needed if output != model.outPrefix and fit_type == 'default': model.copy(output) combined_seq = rNames + qNames storePickle(combined_seq, combined_seq, True, None, dists_out) # Clique pruning if model.type != 'lineage' and os.path.isfile(ref_file_name): existing_ref_list = [] with open(ref_file_name) as refFile: for reference in refFile: existing_ref_list.append(reference.rstrip()) # Extract references from graph newRepresentativesIndices, newRepresentativesNames, \ newRepresentativesFile, genomeNetwork = \ extractReferences(genomeNetwork, combined_seq, output, outSuffix = file_extension_string, existingRefs = existing_ref_list, type_isolate = qc_dict['type_isolate'], threads = threads, use_gpu = gpu_graph) # intersection that maintains order newQueries = [x for x in qNames if x in frozenset(newRepresentativesNames)] # could also have newRepresentativesNames in this diff (should be the same) - but want # to ensure consistency with the network in case of bad input/bugs nodes_to_remove = set(range(len(combined_seq))).difference(newRepresentativesIndices) names_to_remove = [combined_seq[n] for n in nodes_to_remove] if (len(names_to_remove) > 0): graph_suffix = file_extension_string + '.refs_graph' save_network(genomeNetwork, prefix = output, suffix = graph_suffix, use_gpu = gpu_graph) removeFromDB(output, output, names_to_remove) db_suffix = file_extension_string + '.refs.h5' os.rename(output + "/" + os.path.basename(output) + ".tmp.h5", output + "/" + os.path.basename(output) + db_suffix) else: storePickle(rNames, qNames, False, qrDistMat, dists_out) if save_partial_query_graph and not serial: if model.type == 'lineage': save_network(genomeNetwork[min(model.ranks)], prefix = output, suffix = '_graph', use_gpu = gpu_graph) else: graph_suffix = file_extension_string + '_graph' save_network(genomeNetwork, prefix = output, suffix = graph_suffix, use_gpu = gpu_graph) return(isolateClustering)
if __name__ == '__main__': main() sys.exit(0)