Troubleshooting =============== This page deals with common issues in running the analysis. For issues with installing or running the software please raise an issue on github. Most/all of my samples merge when I run a query ----------------------------------------------- If you see a gigantic merge when running ``poppunk_assign``, for example:: Clusters 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 have merged into 1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_11_12_13_14_15_16 This might be caused by: * A single/a few 'bad' genome(s) with artificial zero/close-to-zero distances to many other samples, which links much of the network together. * A boundary which is actually a bit lax, and when more isolates are added, they have distances just below the boundary between a few clusters, and there are enough of these to link more and more clusters together. The first issue should be easy to fix with one of the following methods: * Use ``--run-qc`` (see :doc:`qc`) with one or more of: * ``--max-pi-dist`` and/or ``--max-a-dist`` to remove outlier distances. * ``--max-zero-dist`` which sets the maximum proportion of zeros to other samples. Poor quality genomes often end up with zero distances to many samples, linking them together. * ``--max-merge`` which sets the maximum number of clusters a single query can cause to merge. * ``--betweenness`` which will print all queries in order which have high stress in the network, and are likely causing merges. * Use ``--serial`` to run samples through one-by-one. This is a little less efficient than fully batched querying, but much faster than running independent jobs. Note, lineage models and updating the database are not supported with this mode. The second issue above is potentially more insidiuous, and may require a refit to all the data to obtain a tighter boundary. You can (mostly) keep old cluster IDs via the use of ``--external-clustering`` if you do this. Alternatively, you can add the ``--serial`` command to type samples one at a time as above. See `issue 194 `__ for more discussion. I get different cluster assignments for my queries with and without --update-db flag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When using ``poppunk_assign``, you may observe query genomes being assigned to novel clusters when running without the ``--update-db`` option. However, using ``--update-db`` with the same query genomes may result in assignment of queries to existing clusters, rather than to novel clusters, making cluster assignments seem inconsistent. However, this is expected behaviour. When running ``poppunk_assign`` without ``--update-db``, query genomes are compared only to eachother and to reference sequences in the database to make this step efficient. In this instance, the query genomes may be too diverged from any existing references to cluster with them, and therefore will be assigned to a novel cluster. When running ``poppunk_assign`` with ``--update-db``, query genomes are compared to all genomes in the database, not just references. The larger number of comparisons means that the same queries may cluster with non-reference genomes, which themselves cluster with a references genome. Therefore, the queries are linked indirectly to a reference genome in the distance network, meaning they are assigned to an existing cluster, not a novel one as before. We recommend users who find 'novel' clusters in their datasets when running ``poppunk_assign`` without ``--update-db`` also check against results with ``--update-db`` to determine whether the clusters are truly novel, or form part of existing clusters in the full database. Memory/run-time issues ---------------------- Here are some tips based on experiences analysing larger datasets: - Add ``--threads`` -- they are used fairly efficiently throughout. - Consider the ``--gpu-sketch`` and ``--gpu-dists`` options is applicable, and a GPU is available. - In ``--refine-model`` set ``--pos-shift 0`` to avoid creating huge networks with close to :math:`N^2` edges. Mixture models normally need to be pruned. - In ``--refine-model`` you may add the ``--no-local`` option to skip that step and decrease run-time, though gains are likely marginal. - Use ``--rapid-nj``, if producing microreact output. Another option for scaling is to run ``--create-db`` with a smaller initial set (not using the ``--full-db`` command), then use ``--assign-query`` to add to this. Known bugs ---------- Calculating query-query distances when unnecessary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A bug in v2.4.0 only, (fixed in v2.5.0 and not in previous versions). You will always see ``Found novel query clusters. Calculating distances between them.`` when running ``poppunk_assign`` with more than one input sample. This should only happen when unassigned isolates/novel clusters are found. Our check on this condition became invalid. Additionally, this *may* have affected typing when query-query links were present, this appeared as invalid merges in some tests. If you used this, you may wish to re-run with v2.5.0 or higher. Older HDBSCAN models fail to load ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ tl;dr if you see an error ``ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sklearn.neighbors._dist_metrics'`` you probably need to downgrade ``sklearn`` to v0.24. The change in scikit-learn's API in v1.0.0 and above mean that HDBSCAN models fitted with ```sklearn <=v0.24``` will give an error when loaded. If you run into this, the solution is one of: - Downgrade sklearn to v0.24. - Run model refinement to turn your model into a boundary model instead (this will change clusters). - Refit your model in an environment with ```sklearn >=v1.0``. If this is a common problem let us know, as we could write a script to 'upgrade' HDBSCAN models. See issue [#213]( for more details. When I look at my clusters on a tree, they make no sense ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a bug caused by alphabetic sorting of labels in ``PopPUNK >=v2.0.0`` with ``pp-sketchlib =v2.2`` and ``pp-sketchlib >=v1.5.1`` (preferred). - Run ``scripts/`` on your ``.dists.pkl`` file and re-run model fits. - Create the database with ``poppunk_sketch --sketch`` and ``poppunk_sketch --query`` directly, rather than ``PopPUNK --create-db``. I have updated PopPUNK, and my clusters still seemed scrambled ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is possible using query assignment with ``--update-db``, or in some cases with ``--gpu-dists``. Please update to ``PopPUNK >=v2.4.0`` with ``pp-sketchlib >=v1.7.0`` Calculating distances using 0 thread(s) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This will lead to an error later on in execution. This is due to a version mismatch between PopPUNK and ``pp-sketchlib``. Installation of both packages via conda should keep the versions compatible, but there are ways they can get out of sync. The solution is as above: upgrade to ``PopPUNK >=v2.2`` and ``pp-sketchlib >=v1.5.1``. Error/warning messages ---------------------- Row name mismatch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PopPUNK may throw:: RuntimeError: Row name mismatch. Old: 6999_2#17.fa,6259_5#6.fa New: 6952_7#16.fa,6259_5#6.fa This is an error where the mash output order does not match the order in stored databases (``.pkl``). Most likely, the input files are from different runs, possibly due to using ``--overwrite``. Run again, giving each step its own output directory. Samples are missing from the final network ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When running ``--assign-query`` an error such as:: WARNING: Samples 7553_5#54.fa,6999_5#1.fa are missing from the final network Means that samples present in ``--distances`` and or ``--ref-db`` are not present in the loaded network. This should be considered an error as it will likely lead to other errors and warnings. Make sure the provided network is the one created by applying the ``--model-dir`` to ``--distances``, and that the same output directory has not been used and overwriten by different steps or inputs. Old cluster split across multiple new clusters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When running ``--assign-query``, after distances have been calculated and queries are being assigned warnings such as:: WARNING: Old cluster 1 split across multiple new clusters Mean that a single cluster in the original clustering is now split into more than one cluster. This means something has gone wrong, as the addition of new queries should only be able to merge existing clusters, not cause them to split. Most likely, the ``--previous-clustering`` directory is inconsistent with the ``--ref-db`` and/or ``--model-dir``. Make sure the clusters are those created from the network being used to assign new queries. If you want to change cluster names or assign queries to your own cluster definitions you can use the ``--external-clustering`` argument instead. "No non-zero Jaccard distances" Error ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When running ``--create-db`` or ``poppunk_assign`` as:: No non-zero Jaccard distances Fitting k-mer gradient failed, for:SampleAvs.SampleB Means that ``SampleA`` and ``SampleB`` are not the same species or are highly contaminated, and so share no k-mers with eachother. This may cause PopPUNK to hang, crash, or finish but not generate output files. To fix this error, check that genomes for ``SampleA`` and ``SampleB`` are the correct species (e.g. using `BLAST `_ or `Kraken2 `_); if not, remove them from your input file and re-run your analysis.